Saturday, August 1, 2015


Today is a very important day in the Addicted world!  Today, we celebrate Lily Calloway's 24th birthday!!

If you're a member of the Fizzle Force Facebook group, we have an exclusive giveaway going on for some Addicted swag and if you click on THIS LINK, Krista & Becca put together a LiLo extra bonus material just for Lily's birthday!

Also, Amy from Calloway Books wrote a short fanfic in honor of Lily's birthdayGo forth and read it!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our wonderful, adorkable, forever lovable, Lily!!

graphic by the very talented Jae

I can't get over how cool this graphic is by Jae!  Our dream cast for Lily with the wampa hat on!! *DIES*

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